The home of podcasting

Whether you're looking to start a new podcast or move your existing podcast, Acast has you covered.

Create and publish to every podcast app there is — including Apple Podcasts and Spotify — for free.

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Whether you're looking to start a new podcast or move your existing podcast, Acast has you covered.

Create and publish to every podcast app there is — including Apple Podcasts and Spotify — for free.

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47,000 podcasts listened to 400 million times every month

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Your podcast, on every platform.


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Insights and data for faster, smarter decisions.


Make the most of your stories, on your terms.

Unlock your podcast’s full potential with Acast

Move to Acast to make the most of your podcast. It's a simple process.

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Why creators love Acast

Daily Tech News Show

Daily Tech News Show explains how Acast has helped the podcast grow.

Equity Mates

Equity Mates on what they love about Acast’s insights features.

The Adam Buxton Podcast

Adam Buxton explains how Acast helps him monetize his podcast.

The easiest way to record, edit and mix your podcast

Get free access to Podcastle to create your episodes, right from your web browser.

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We connect podcasters with advertisers

We’re on a mission to supercharge a fair, open and profitable podcasting ecosystem. When podcasters and advertisers reach more people — with brilliant stories and the right messages — everyone makes money.

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Your one-stop guide to creating a podcast.

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